What to Know After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed procedures in the United States, and it has a high success rate in improving vision. It is essential to understand what to expect after cataract surgery, including follow-up appointments, eyeglass prescriptions, and when it is safe to drive. Most cataract surgeons will ask you to come for your first post-operative visit the day after the procedure. This is a critical appointment, as it allows the doctor to check how the eye is healing and if there are any complications or signs of infection.

Additional follow-up visits usually take place 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. At this time, most patients visit their optometrist to have their eyeglasses measured and to obtain an updated eyeglass prescription. We usually schedule follow-up appointments 2 to 3 months after surgery to monitor eye function. However, every patient heals differently, so follow-up appointment times may vary from person to person.

The last follow-up appointment is usually about 1 month after cataract surgery. At this appointment, you will be checked to see if you have a prescription for eyeglasses. Most patients who attend this appointment will be told to stop using all surgery-related eye drops. Most people find that they can perform their normal distant vision tasks without significant need for eyeglasses after cataract surgery. However, if you have nearsightedness or farsightedness, you may still need glasses to sharpen the vision in the other eye.

It is important to plan ahead for cataract surgery. Most eye surgeons recommend that their patients start taking eye drops a few days before the procedure. On the day of your cataract surgery, plan to arrive at the surgery center at the time indicated by the surgery scheduler. You won't be able to drive home right after surgery, as it requires anesthesia. The day after surgery, you will return to the surgeon's office for a follow-up appointment.

Your vision will be evaluated to determine when it's safe to drive and resume other normal activities. Most patients can return to driving 24 hours after cataract surgery. What some patients experience weeks or months after cataract surgery is the opacity of this membrane. If you have a cataract in your other eye, performing that operation in a few weeks can start the recovery process faster and help you have the same vision. It is important for patients who are considering cataract surgery to understand what they should expect during and after the procedure. Knowing what to expect can help ensure that you are prepared for your post-operative care and recovery.

Mattie Cournoyer
Mattie Cournoyer

Award-winning pop culture junkie. Award-winning pop cultureaholic. Award-winning beer fanatic. Hipster-friendly tv fanatic. Incurable creator. Infuriatingly humble music nerd.

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